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var                      Signals the Start of a Set of Variable Declarations

   <vnames>  : <oldtype>;
   <vnames>  : <low>..<high>;
   <vnames>  : (<item1>,<item2>,...,<itemN>);
   <vnames>  : <filetype>;
   <vnames>  : <settype>;
   <vnames>  : <arraytype>
   <vnames>  : <recordtype>;

    The VAR section is used to declare variables. These variables can be
    any of the following data types: existing data types, subranges of
    existing ordinal data types, enumerated data types, or array-, record-
    , or set-based data types.

           <vnames>   One or more variable names, separated by commas.

          <oldtype>   Any previously declared or predeclared data type.

       <low>,<high>   Any two values of the same ordinal (Integer, Char,
                      Boolean, enumerated) type. <low> must be less than
                      or equal to <high>.

      <item1>, etc.   A list of standard identifiers, naming the different
                      values of an enumerated data type. All the
                      identifiers must be unique and not previously

         <filetype>   Any legal FILE declaration.

          <settype>   Any legal SET declaration.

        <arraytype>   Any legal ARRAY declaration.

       <recordtype>   Any legal RECORD declaration.

    In Standard Pascal, you can have at most one VAR section per program
    or subprogram (procedure, function), and it must appear after the TYPE
    section and before any subprograms. Turbo Pascal allows you to have
    multiple VAR sections per program or subprogram and requires only that
    they appear before (and outside of) the main body of that program or

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

             I,J       : Integer;
             X,Y       : Real;
             Ch        : Char;
             Flag      : Boolean;
             Name      : NameStr;   { must be previously declared }
             Day       : Days;      { ditto }
             OKSet     : CharSet;   { ditto }
             List      : NumList;   { ditto }
             Who       : Student;   { ditto }

    You can define types in the var section; however, the type has no name
    and therefore cannot be used for other variables or for parameters.

             Name      : string[20];
             Day       : (Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat);
             OKSet     : set of Char;
             List      : array[1..1000] of Integer;
             Who       : record
                           Last,First : string [40];
                           SSN        : string [30];
                           GPA        : Real

See Also: file set array record type
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